Sunday, March 25, 2012

TAG! you're it...

I got a few surprises today - invitations to play TAG!
I just got back from running a few errands but hey, i'm never too tired to play! GAME ON!! :-)

The Rules must post the rules
...answer 11 questions the tagger posted for you
...create 11 questions to ask the people you tag
...tag 11 people
...let them know you've tagged them

Lori's questions to me...(tagger #1)
1. Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
2. What's your favorite color? prussian blue
3. What's your least favorite color? magenta
4. Do you use your favorite color more in your art? Absolutely.
5. Are you a cat or a dog person? I'm an any kind of animal person. 
6. If you could have lunch with one person (alive or dead) who would it be? 
7. Carnivore, Vegetarian, or Vegan? Quasi vegetarian.
8. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you wear often? Comfy sweater vest
9. What's your favorite way to spend a rainy afternoon? Reading.
10. Snow or Sand? Both. I live in Canada, remember? ;-)
11. If you had 12 hours in between flights in NYC, what would you do? i'd visit something. Most likely a museum or gallery.

Lorinda's questions to me…(tagger #2)
1. What's your favourite medium for creating? acrylics, watercolor, collage. Depends on the mood.
2. What is your favourite accessory? earrings.
3. Books or movies? Or? Books!
4. Is creating your day job or your night job? Day job, night job, middle of the night job... :-)
5. Glass half empty or half full? oh definitely half full with added sparkles & coloring!  
6. What's your favourite time of day? early morning
7. What's your favourite form of exercise and/or physical expression? Walking & yoga.
8. What kind of music inspires you? jazz & blues, fado, classical, new age...i'm pretty open.
9. What's your favourite month of the year? September
10. What's your favorite quote? And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. (Anais Nin)
11. If you could spend a free month anywhere in the world, where would it be and what would you do? Bali, and i would take in as much as i can in a month without exploding. :-)

My questions to all YOU lovelies...

1. Favorite ice cream flavor?
2. Favorite book (or movie)?
3. One thing that you love? (thing, not person) :-)
4. What makes you smile?
5. Where was your best vacation?
6. What color is your car (if you have one) or your bike?
7. If money was no object, what is the ONE thing you would do?
8. Where do you feel most at home or 'connected' to the world?
9. high heels or flip flops?
10. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
11.What are you most proud of?

And here are the 11 talented people i am tagging:

Tracey Fletcher King  (sorry Tracey, i know you were picked more than once. That's what happens when you're popular.) heheheee..


  1. I see I'm tagged here as well as from Lorinda AND I see a couple of my blogs that I follow mentioned here as well - I'll try to tag some others. I'll spare Tracey another tag :) I'll answer your questions too since I think it's fun to be quizzed.....

  2. GREAT!
    I probably wouldn't have played if it wasn't Sunday. :-)
    I'm glad you're joining in the fun Terrie. xoxo

  3. Nope, not into games, but have fun :).
    Stay inspired!

  4. Hahaha this is cute! I'll do it next time I update :) which should be soon!

  5. Thanks for the tag (I think...that took a while with two!)--but it's fun seeing everyone's answers. I just posted mine :)

  6. Sorry to double tag you Pauline. What can i say, you're a well loved lady! Thanks so much for playing along! xx

  7. Such loveliness... great photos, Pauline. :] What a GREAT element of positiveness, floating around your site. ((hugs))

  8. You are one popular lady - so, since you tagged me back - - here are my answers:
    1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip
    2. Favorite book (or movie)? The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
    3. One thing that you love? (thing, not person) :-) my camera
    4. What makes you smile? flowers
    5. Where was your best vacation? a trip to Guatemala for a girlfriends wedding
    6. What color is your car (if you have one) or your bike? an MTA pass for public transit - yellow
    7. If money was no object, what is the ONE thing you would do? quit my job and create art
    8. Where do you feel most at home or 'connected' to the world? when surrounded my nature
    9. high heels or flip flops? flip flops but only if cowboy boots aren't available
    10. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? I would quit my job
    11.What are you most proud of? my relationship with Superman

  9. Hi Here are mine and I was tagged on another as well :)

    1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Pralines and cream

    2. Favorite book (or movie)? Cinema Paradiso

    3. One thing that you love? (thing, not person) to paint

    4. What makes you smile? Hearing my son laugh

    5. Where was your best vacation? Our trip to Belgium/Netherlands/France

    6. What color is your car (if you have one) or your bike? My car is silver, my bike is teal green

    7. If money was no object, what is the ONE thing you would do? Complete renovation of the old house we recently bought

    8. Where do you feel most at home or 'connected' to the world? In the morning, meditating

    9. high heels or flip flops? flip flops

    10. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Been more confident and serious about my art 20 years ago

    11.What are you most proud of? my son
