Monday, September 2, 2013

across the oceans and the universe...

The earth has music for those who listen.
- George Santayana

This is where i sat with my coffee
on Saturday morning.

Summer is nearing the end...
as much as i love the fall,
it saddens me to think that soon,
i'll need to toss the flip flops
and wear shoes again.

A quick little pencil sketch.
i feel rusty these days.
It looks like a garbage can
but it's actually a plastic cup. :-)
My 4 month, 9 to 5 term job ends this week.

Like anything in life,
there were good things about it,
and bad.

Most of the bad had to do with feeling
like a fish out of water
and having little time for art.
Feeling like i was betraying
my artist self.
And Roberto... you were right.
My brain was churning on new ideas all the time,
even in the confines of a grey cubicle,
and now, i am counting the days
till i can put pen to paper again
or paint to canvas.
i learned many things while i was there.

Lesson #1:
i understand my own value as an artist now
and the value of art in the world.
We are led to believe that art is less important
than other more normal professions.
When school budgets are cut,
art and music are the first to go.

And yet, when we look back at our history,
it is art and music
and writing
and poetry
and dance...
that connect us
to our past...

to the stories that matter.

That is why i make art.
To leave my mark in the world.
And because i know now
with certainty
that it is where i belong.

If art makes you alone happy
and nobody else -
then already,
it has served a grand purpose,
wouldn't you say?
 i like to think so...
Wishing you ALL a wonderful week ahead.
Do something that makes you happy.
Life is too precious to be miserable.


  1. Yes and art also heals the soul in ways nothing else can! If only our world was more immersed in art...maybe...just maybe there would be less friction!! So good to see you back....and I just love Rufus...the kids saw him live a few years ago....Beautiful beach scene and cup!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Hello Pauline! What gorgeous moments by the sea, enjoy to the full these last summer days! You are a great artist Pauline, it will be so good for you to paint and draw more again and have more time for you!

  3. Gosh, I just LOVE visiting you Pauline. Your post rocks my world. I sure am glad there's you.

  4. Love love love where you were having your coffee on Sunday! And yes, doing whatever it is that is our gift, where we find our talent and doing it first and foremost because it pleases us and gives us joy is the way we are meant to look at all of life. So glad you are back to being able to do what you do and be who you are!

  5. Love love love where you were having your coffee on Sunday! And yes, doing whatever it is that is our gift, where we find our talent and doing it first and foremost because it pleases us and gives us joy is the way we are meant to look at all of life. So glad you are back to being able to do what you do and be who you are!

  6. Welcome back to your real life! What a great way to start, sitting by the water and reconnecting. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences.

  7. Wise words as usual. I occasionally go back and look at some of less successful creations, the stuff I think is crap. And you know what? It's still a hell of a lot better than the day to day crap at work.
    Loving the blue and yellow combination on your beach sketch, and looking forward to seeing you back in full artistic flow soon.

  8. Pauline, love your pages and yes, I like you, will soon have to put my flip flops away and wear closed toed shoes. It always breaks my heart when this happens. xo

  9. So many layers of beautifulness in this post Pauline! xoxo
