hi everyone.
First of all, i hope all of you who live on the east coast of the US stay safe these next few days... hurricane Sandy looks like it's packing a mean punch.
Here's to hoping things get back to normal quickly for all of you.
In the meantime, stay safe and warm and inside.
a few little faces in my journal
and a wonderful Emerson quote.
and this little doodle... inspired by a Neil Young song i was listening to,
A man needs a maid. ;-)
I've always loved miniature things. Including paintings.
Bigger is not always better. ;-)
So this afternoon, i thought i'd do a mini painting,
and since i didn't have any small canvases on hand,
i did them on canvas paper.
3 x 3 inches.
aren't they cute?
They were a lot of fun to do.
You'll find them for sale in my ETSY shop soon.
I have a few more ideas, so i'll be doing more tonight.
I hate that I've had so little time to visit your blogs lately...
I love being inspired by all the wonderful work out there,
so i look forward to a bit more down time.
I trust you're all still following your own hearts.
I've been working on my illustrated book.
I heard an author say the other day that her book took her 7 years to write
and it made me feel hopeful and less of a procrastinator. ;-)
I also heard this wonderful quote, and it reminded me of how important it is
to continue on our chosen paths, regardless of who approves or not.
It reminded me of the importance of surrounding ourselves
with people who believe in our dreams...
Don't let anyone turn your sky into a ceiling.
Here's to always seeing sky.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.