Never work just for money or for power.
They won't save your soul
or help you sleep at night.
- Marian Wright Edelman
I just bought myself this new box of Crayolas.
Happiness = $5.00
I guess money does buy happiness. :)
This place will be far more fun
once the snow is gone. :)
We are all breathing a little easier
now that the ice has broken up on the bay.
It's taking all the energy I have these days
to do my job from 9 to 5,
and stay afloat with the rest of my life.
So the art is a little wonky.
And no, i am not on drugsalthough sometimes,
I consider it. :)
Check out the half clouded sky.
You could literally see the clouds
come rolling in.
2 fisherman on the wharf...
acrylic and pencil on paper.
I like this one,
even if she looks a little sad.
Oh, and I'm just finishing an on-line course
with the lovely Christine Mason Miller
called "the Conscious Booksmith"
(a mindful approach to creating your book).
My head is swimming with thoughts & ideas
and i cannot wait to have time to myself,
to finally put pen to paper
in a way that doesn't feel rushed.
There was a chapter on rejection
and how there is rarely a writer out there
who has not been rejected.
I once read that Stephen King
had an entire wall covered in rejection slips.
J.K. Rowling had her Harry Potter book
rejected by several publishers
before ONE finally said yes.
Rejection doesn't just apply to writers.
It applies to life in general.
Divorce is rejection.
Losing a job is rejection.
Not getting a job.
Not making the team.
Not being selected for an art show.
Not being invited to the party.
Losing that connection with someone...
Dreams aren't made real
because rejections are avoided;
dreams are made real
because the dreamer keeps going
despite them.
- Christine Mason Miller