Monday, December 15, 2014

quick art, Christmas and memories...

Hello everyone!
It's good to be back. 
Are you all ready for Christmas?
Are you getting excited,
or stressed out?
I've had a few rough past weeks, 
but I'm finally on the mend.
I was sick for 2 weeks+ with the flu
and the rest of the time,
I was just lazy.
Make no excuses. ;-)
I did these 2 little pieces (above)
as soon as I started to feel better.
Acrylic on paper.
I rarely get sick, 
so 2 weeks away from art was a long time for me.
I couldn't wait to get back to my little blue room -
to painting and writing.
I got a bunch of old National Geographic Magazines
from a yard sale a few years ago.
Beautiful photography & interesting subjects.
Like this totem pole.
(watercolour in my little Moleskin)
Painting a few small stones from the local beach...
A little exercise in letting loose
but it always ends up looking
like someone else's work.
Like a copy of something I've already seen.
There are lots of people out there
doing fabulously loose art...
Still, whenever I get the urge,
I let myself be more messy.
I used these 3 colours (below)
Watercolor on paper.
 Yes, it's Christmas soon...
i love my peace ornaments.
Some people hate Christmas.
You may be one of them?
It's a lonely time of the year for many,
and of course, for those who have lost loved ones -
it's never the same Christmas ever again.
This will be our 3rd Christmas without mom.
She loved Christmas
and although the holidays are sadder without her,
I still love the decorations
and the Christmas music
and the soft white snowflakes
on a calm, cold winter night.
But I also understand those who don't.
I try to focus on those who are still with me
rather than the ones who are gone.
Plus, mom gave us so many good Christmas memories...
it had nothing to do with gifts
and everything to do with food, family
and being there for others.
She was full of energy at this time of year
and she always helped those who were less fortunate
by bringing them food
and doing what she could to keep them company,
even if only for an hour.
I remember an older woman who lived nearby
when I was younger.
She was an alcoholic.
This woman had been a bank executive,
was married and had two children
and lived in a beautiful home.
She began drinking seriously,
for whatever reason,
and by the age of 50
she had lost everything.
Her husband, her job, her home,
and her children.
Mom always had a soft spot for her.
She always said:
you never know what life will bring.
At Christmas time,
mom would make meat pies,
or poutines... (Acadian specialties!)
and she would bring her some food
with a Christmas card.

She did this for many others as well,
just so they wouldn't feel so alone
during the holidays.
Always said if you had nothing to give,
you could at least give of your time.
Mom was a philanthropist
throughout her whole life,
only rather than give money (because she had none to give),
she gave of herself
which is far more precious, I believe.

(Billie Holiday, water-colour on paper)
I wish ALL of you
wonderful healthy holidays
and hope you all find the time
to have that quiet morning tea,
or to read a good book,
or to make a mess with the paints.
Do something good for yourself.
Start there
before extending your love
to others.


  1. Pauline - your posts are always chock-full of eye candy and thoughtful insights - it is hard to focus on what is my favorite but I'm loving the blue skies girl - loose painting suits you! Love the painted rock too!

    1. thank you Michelle! I always enjoy doing the messy paintings. Getting "loose" with the art is not as easy as it looks. At least not for me. Happy Holidays, to you & your lovely family. Here's to making lots of art in the new year! xx

  2. Beautiful, and a peace sign is my symbol is something I value so much! I think that's what I sent you last year that was stolen. Sorry you were sick that sucks...Hope you find your strength...sounds like our moms were very similar... Mom knew the value of the season without money that's for sure! Love your loose art and all of it actually! May your season be filled with love and joy! I do love the decorations, music and food, that truly says Christmas to me! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your spirit all year!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thank you Giggles... I'm not surprised you love Christmas. You must have a stack of Christmas music as extensive as mine. ;-) My favorite is still the Charlie Brown music though... (the Vince Guaraldi Trio). It always sets me in the mood when i'm writing Christmas cards. Wishing you nothing but the best in 2015! xx

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful images and insightful/provocative thoughts all year. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season as well, and best of health (and LOTS of art!) in the new year! xx

  4. Hi Pauline. It's good to have you back with your wise words and wonderful art. I love your holiday wishes- yes, it is that first peaceful cup in the morning that can be the beginning (or not) of a peaceful day. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and healthy Christmas/holiday and a Happy 2015:)

    1. it's wonderful to see you here Arti...I always appreciate your kind & gentle words. Thank you for the warm wishes - I hope you have a great Christmas/holiday season as well. Here's to a peaceful, healthy new year, filled with ART making and sharing the love. xx

  5. Forgot to mention that I love your painted pebbles:)
